"What is Mr Catney charged with?"
"AOABH, Threat to Kill, Interfering with an Officer in the course of an investigation"
"What, no GBH? No GBH with Intent?"
"What evidence has been submitted?"
"Police reports. Interview statements. Mr Catney is contesting the charges. He's made countercharges."
"No photographs have been admitted?"
"What about medical reports?"
"What???!!! No medical evidence and no photographs?"
"Well how am I supposed to get them in?"
"You have to give them to the police"
"The police are trying to keep them out!!"
"You have to give them to the police"
"So they're the gatekeepers"
"Ah, yeah"
"Can the Ombudsman not give the photos to the prosecutor?"
"You have to give them to the police"
I needed valium and an afternoon to recover from that.
Round Two.
"No Mr Murray. Those photographs are for our own use."
"But you have the Continuity of Evidence Statement?"
"It's not our job to conduct the investigation. We investigate the police. Your complaint is a disciplinary matter. This is misconduct, not criminality. We would only give the photographs to the prosecutor is we were pressing charges against the police"
"But they're withholding evidence. The prosecutor has tried and tried and tried to get medical evidence off them and they haven't given it. How could the prosecutor press charges for AOABH in the absence of medical evidence? They cannot get a conviction without it"
"Um, ah. I was going to discuss this with my line manager. The medical evidence is your best bet. The photographs might not be admissible."
The cops insisted they weren't. Stuart Cassells insisted they were inadmissible and was, interestingly enough joined in this by Inspector Jim Young and Sargeant Alan Bell who just, as it were, happened to be passing. That's why the Police Ombudsmans' office sent investigators out to get the photographs and a Continuity of Evidence Statement. I want you to give the photographs and the statement to the prosecutor"
"But they're for our own use. And anyway they were collected six months after the assault."
"They're digital photographs. Each image is a file containing the date and time it was taken and if it was modified."
"But they were collected six months after the asssault."
"That's because the police refused to investigate and only did so after it was revealed to them that my assailant and his six alleged witnesses were party to the giving of a false name. On the day of my assault I went to a neighbour's house and was told to go straight to the police. There were no officers in the station, but the auxiliaries called an ambulance.. The paramedics said I had a serious head injury and had to have it X-Rayed. The police came, the ambulance went away and six officers confronted me in a small room in a somewhat unpleasant manner and told me not to press charges. They said that Katrina O'Neil had six witnesses who heard me threaten to burn down the house with her and the kids in it and then attacked her boyfriend, but they didn't want to press charges. Now I had concussion, but still had the wit to say,
"Why does she not want to press charges. If someone threatened to burn your house down with you and your kids in it would you not want to press charges? Maybe they don't because I'm the one sitting here covered in blood."
Then they cautioned me for the crime of criticising this man's girlfriend, a public figure, for her failures in her public role. I note that you've closed the case on that"
"Oh? I don't think I'm dealing with that case. No, no, I'm not."
"You know that it went to trial and I was acquitted on all three charges and am sueing the cops for false arrest, malicious prosecution and Human Rights abuses. I would have thought the Ombudsman would have been interested in the Human Rights aspect"
"Um, Ah"
"There was another complaint that was closed. I was arrested for criticising another member of that committee. The Ombudsman's office took the police line that because I had been cautioned and placed on this thing called "The Harrassment Register" and had criticised this public figure on the internet again the cops had no case to answer. The Human Rights issue just didn't exist for them."
"Um, I'm afraid I wasn't dealing with that case, but I'll be speaking to my line manager today."
"Do you have the disk with the photos there?"
"It'll only take you a minute. Just pop it in and have a look at it"
"I really think you should look at it"
"Um...I really should go.......my line manager....."
"What about the medical evidence?"
"You really need to argue that with the prosecutor. I'm afraid we can't help you"
I will deconstruct this for you, and the line of reasoning is perfectly logical and coherent, and thus very terriffying:-
- The police are determined that Mr Catney not go to jail. That much is obvious.
- The police are gatekeepers for the Prosecution Service and decide who gets charged with what. The prosecutors just shrug their shoulders and go along with it. They clearly have no interest in justice. Thus murder charges get reduced to affray and so on. They just don't care. They even press charges in the absence of medical evidence knowing that the case will fail. It's no skin off their nose. They get paid no matter how crap they are.
- The cops have insisted that Mr Catney be charged with the minimum possible offense. He could have pled guilty and walked, but he's contesting it.
- This will be an opportunity for Katrina O'Neill to throw one of her Performances. I can picture it now. Every lie under the sun will be thrown at me. I will have no opportunity to answer those allegations in court. Her performance will be suitably extreme. For her this is Apotheosis, pouring her efforts into an emotional incontinence of Hollywood proportions.
- A scapegoat is needed for the debacle that has become the Holylands. Why not blame Alan Murray for everything from arson to intimidation to this, to that, to the other thing. The police surely have a file, but curiously, no evidence. I must be a Holyland Ninja, despite having no criminal history. Either that or they're incredibly stupid and incompetent. Or perhaps their "intelligence" is defective or false (hint hint).
- The cops really, really, really don't like me. This is Northern Ireland (that's another hint). By making sure Mr Catney gets off because they have withheld evidence and got Katrina O'Neill to throw the performance of a lifetime, and thrown every smear in the book at me, they have given him a licence to come after me again. Even someone as incredibly stupid as him can work it out. He doesn't need to be given instructions. Thus there is no direct link to the cops. This is very convenient.
- Mr Catney has no fear, no consequential thought and a history of extreme violence. His last assault on me was nearly fatal. The next attack will come without warning on a dark winter night. He likes to stab people.
- The cops have given him a Licence to Kill.
I might come out of this alive. If I do every day I live will be revenge. It will be truly delicious.
was T.McG a witness??? I think he was.
Tony McGuinness was a witness to the assault. I'll never forget the look of jubilation in his eyes as I fought to break the vice grip that was crushing my windpipe. Mark O'Neill was also there with one of his "friends", standing, watching, waiting for me to die. It's nice to know I disappointed them. Bernard O'Neill intimidated witnesses to the assault telling them to,
"Stop Fuckin Filming this!!"
He also gave me a dose of ,
"What the Fuck did you say!!!!"
when I noticed I was covered in blood. I think he's gonna smash my face in very soon. I can't stop that. What do you expect from these people?
Where have the "Six Witnesses" evaporated to? Why did they pursue no complaint until it was made clear to the cops that they were party to Catney giving a false name? Why have they not been investigated/cautioned/charged with perverting the course of justice?
When Catney walks free people can draw their own conclusions.
Good on u alan at least ur not gonna 2 lie down,u truly r a man among men,keep going m8 as the saying goes the meek will inherit the earth.
the meek will inherit my sack
alana alan had a shex change
a hairy shex change
now hes a man
a man because he was a fruit before
a big soft banana
alan murray is made up of runny cheese
children could beat him up
ive seen stronger beetroot
he beats his root to pictures of iris robinson
I read with interest the front page of the Belfast Telegraph recently. I will not be involving myself in this matter. The individual in question no longer lives in the Holyland. I'm aware that over recent months sinister efforts have been made to generate trouble;- giving persons my address etc. This does not surprise me. I doubt however that it will succeed. I am something of a survivor.
I've read your blog for sometime now and I've keep quiet but lately you seem to be inviting the trouble on to yourself. Instead of trying to win the battle over the students, you have turned it into some petty war against your fellow residents.
P.S. I personally think your never going to change the holylands and just remember it isn't just the "Clulchie" living in the holylands. Your fellow belfast (people) students live there to.
I agree that the Holylands has been finished for a very long time,probably at least ten years. Why then invent a "Regeneration Association"? What motive did the University of Ulster have in creating this thing? Why make people think,
"It's gonna get better. There's gonna be a community here again"? The answer lies in the proviso, stated to me repeatedly by Katrina O'Neill,
"They've promised me it's gonna get better, but Ssssshhh, don't make a fuss. It's all top secret"
Five years later I can safely say that this was bullshit, and that Institutional Power played her and Farrell and Tony for stupid cunts. Only their need to feel important sustained their delusion. Tony was probably encouraged to write the article that called for no more Public Housing and force families to rent from landlords. I exposed that as a fraud published in Katrina's name and was nearly beaten to death for it. It would have been a good death, refusing to apologise as an animal tried to kill me with his bare hands.
The objective of a "Regeneration Association" was to shut people up. The "Voices of the Community" would dominate media discourse and act as sock puppets for the universities and cops. Meanwhile the community would die, its cries of pain silenced by collaborators desperately seeking importance and, in Farrell's case, a cushy job. He really is stupid. Why would they pay him when he provides a service for free? There's no fool like an old fool. They saw him coming.
There's no community left. The "Regeneration Association" meets in the kitchen of City Church. Things are worse than ever, but, Ssssshhhhh, don't make a fuss. They've promised me...........
what do people think about this?:
I hope I do. Mr Catney's violence is infamous. I've been on the business end of it. I assume he was wound up to do it by a certain "Melodramatic Whiny Bitch" who will remain nameless less she have me prosecuted again for criticising her.
That's some top class deconstruction there, Jacques Derrida would be proud of ye
Comments will be stored and then published when the legal action is over.
Anyone hear Farrell on the Nolan Show, when landlord Boyle, the one from Warrenpoint, gave away his address on air?????
Is it just me or is the Regeneration group being marginalised by the statutory agencies???
The "regeneration association" is an embarrassment. The cops have invented a substitute forum called PACT. It meets every month and achieves fuck all but make the cops look good. The landlords are now in attendance so it's come full circle to the early days of "regeneration". Does anyone stop to ask what the fuck have these people regenerated?
I achieve a hell of a lot more than some people. Guess who I mean.
who do you mean?
oh right, students. aye. people who are studying for a degree and haven't graduated yet.
have you graduated yet?
I'll graduate or die trying ;) People who care are telling me to leave town. Fuck that. An informer may well kill me, but I'm fucked if I'm gonna give up my degree. And I'm fucked if I'm gonna give up my home. I was driven out of the Holyland by Student Scum. I won't be driven out of here. They can take me out in a box.
From what I hear some people are having to pack their bags. Har-De Har-Har. Not so fucking important now are ya!!!! :)
I used to live close to you a few years ago! We where talkin one night straight after you put our windows in several times within a few minutes! You know who i am you cunt i walk past you from time to time! Karma
I think that was a threat. What do you expect from the "Cognitive Elite"? Wonderful people. Our future is safe in their hands. Having driven an entire community from their homes they're now doling out threats to one of their critics. Is it any wonder our brightest and best are getting the fuck out of dodge? Would you want to go to university with these people????
I do not put in windows.
but you do take them out
A measily one word answer....suggests that you do...
I think not.
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