They're finally launching their new forum. The Community Police Liaison Committee collapsed because nobody went to it. Here comes it's replacement. You will remember I have previously described a proposal to pervert Restorative Justice and turn it into a vehicle for The universities, their Bogus Students, cops, landlords and the local Housing Association to isolate, intimidate and silence residents. We will be obliged to confront our tormentors face to face. We will become Targets. The number of complaints will fall through the floor. We will be told what a great success it has all been.
I expect heavy Provo involvement in this. After all their man, the Head of Restorative Justice in West Belfast, has been a tout for years if not decades. As I've said in the comments section, Downing Street has been not only writing Provo press statements, but appears to also be producing front page articles for the Andytown News. It's "Zero Tolerance" for working class people. Well we surely have that here. Such a policy will not apply to Rich Scum, who are above the law. What are Ogra Sinn Fein gonna say,
"Arrest and prosecute us and our mates"?
Some fucking chance.
There are others who are above the law: the "Partners in the Community" are allowed to do whatever they want, up to and including Homicidal Violence, and the cops will bend over backwards to make sure they get away with it. Lets face it, murders go unsolved round here.
This "New Initiative" is old piss in new bottles. PACT: Partners And Communities Together. Fuck that. Its PACT: Pigs And Collaborators Together.
Monday, April 07, 2008
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What's all this craic about "Working class" people? In case you missed the period from 1995-present we no longer have Working Class and Middle Class. What we have is an underclass, a bloated and de-valued New Middle Class and a growing number of Fat Cat Class at the top.
The bloated and de-valued Middle Class I'd link directly to Thatcher and the buying of council houses. Persons buying into this idea swelled the ranks of the middle-classes. Anyone below this now makes up the Underclass.
Point in case: look at the Holylands. Once filled with council tennants the new divide is painfully evident now. Those who bought their council houses got the fuck out of dodge...the rest of us underclass are stuck with the students, the madness, the filth, the criminals, pedophiles and assorted scum that now populate the place.
Another example: look at the Lower Ormeau Rd. Once genuine working class people lived there. Then people bought their houses and moved to Carryduff, Up the Ormeau Rd, Saintfield etc...this wasn't social mobility, it was greed and it was people from once working class communities buying into a thatcherite dream and turning their backs on their own.
This may be a rather simplisitic analysis but taking the Holylands as an example it proves that there's now only underclass, middleclass and Fat Cats.
If the Holylands genuinely had a good united working class community do you really think the Landlords, Council, Social Services and Probation would be getting away with filling this place with the assorted filth it has been doing?
Also anyone with any foresight will see that increasinlgy the Holylands is getting to bad for students to bother living in. Eventually the only people living here will be those stuck here, and the other assorted riff raff that has been shipped in by probation and social services, including but not limited to: Drug Dealers, Pedophiles, Rapists, Murderers, Car Thieves, Burglars, etc etc
Think this is a bit far fetched? Open your eyes...the real badness happening in the Holylands isn't the loud shouting student type. It's the quiet and secret type that is easily hidden because of the student problems in the area.
An interesting comment. I agree that we have a bloated middle class and a large underclass deprived of a future. They can be found in what were once communities. Lower Ormeau is a good example. The narrative of class politics has become verboten.Instead we have "Zero Tolerance" courtesy of the Andytown News. The Provo leadership despise the communities they used as a shooting gallery for 30 years and are now raped by Landlordism.
The bloated middle class I see as a direct result of social engineering. In Northern Ireland these people are all directly or indirectly on the public dole. The objective appears to have been to create a block of people more interested in greed than tribal politics. To some extent this has succeeded; Carryduff and Four Winds for example.
The numbers going to grammar schools has risen from 15% to 35% in the Greater Belfast Area. The "Co-ordinator Class" accounts for no more than 20% of the workforce so jobs have been invented for the other 15%.
In Mid-Ulster 50% go to grammar schools. This is a truly bloated middle class created by farming and other subsidies. However, these people are not de-tribalised. Instead they are sectarian chauvinists of the most crass sort. They think they have won a war. I suppose that when it comes to shooting Protestant farmers of the back of tractors in order to intimidate their friends out they have succeeded. Now they bring the same attitudes to the Holyland. This is their area and we can fuck off.
This area attracts a number of colourful and dangerous characters. It will not be long before they take pick-axe handles and stanleys to to the "students". I must admit that when it happens I will have no sympathy for the inbred scum from Deliverance.
this all looks really impressive, cheers for giving me the details.
i have to agree with the rich scum studentsdestroying a community. i spent my childhood in rugby avenue and it broke our hearts when we had to move. we were left with no other choice, unable to sleep or feel safe in our own home. the lucky people have got out, but what of those unable or indeed unwilling to be forced out? elderly people, dosed up to get to sleep and then some more tasty pills so they can go about their lives, an everyday grind that they should not have to go through.
good luck to all of those who are going to do their own bit about this!
I agree with you on this issue regarding liasioning with the PNI. (I have purposely left the letter S = the word SERVICE out of the initials because they dont offer a service in the Holyland or any other place in Northern Ireland unless it suits them.
Back in the days of the old Holy land University Residents Group (formed in 1998) a certain Inspector Gordon Reid promised the residents group and residents the earth, moon and stars, they would do everything possible to curb what what was minor violence and anti-social behaviour in those days compared to the present chaos which they can't deal with, simply, because as you say they let the dogs out.
In those days the residents had a guy called Sgt Stitt who sat with old ladies under the auspices of the Honorable Rosaleen Hughes (SDLP) who unknown to the residents had a wee friendly pact with the RUC, and the guy who wanted a Boat Barge/Club in those days and everyone left her meetings happy all was well in the Holyland. Sgt Stitt was better known as Sgt Tits which we thought a misnomer, why ??? well a tit has uses ....publish this and I will continue with the whole story..ok? Do you want the history of the denigration of the holyland???
Tell me it all. The story of how this place was destroyed has to be told. None of this happened by accident. Big power agendas were serviced by the rape of this community. Mervin Dinsmore was publicly trashed for calling the behaviour of the landlords "Ethnic Cleansing". Where has the community gone? People can call it "Ethnic Cleansing", or, "Social Cleansing". Either will do in my book, but no-one can pretend that it wasn't a well-planned policy.
In one small area we have the new order in microcosm; the tyranny of property developers; the debasement of academia and consequent brain drain; the destruction of Public Housing and redistribution of taxpayers' money into the hands of landlords; the Frankenstein's Monster that has poured out of Mid-Ulster like a tidal wave of excrement straight into the Universities; the Moral and Political bankruptcy of the Provos; Money Laundering on an astronomical scale; the creation of a bloated and ignorant middle class by government policy; the free rein given to their inbred offspring by the cops.
Tell the whole story. The whole world should know.
Give me a couple of days and I will write the whole story for you. No probs reference publishing it. But can I correct you on one point? It wasnt Big Mervyn who coined the term "ethnic cleansing", it was another guy who was forced out of the area a few years ago. Queens went mental at that term and told the residents to go to Yugoslavia to see what ethnic cleansing was really like.
The Big Fellas favourite term for the landlords was "The Gombeen Men" but did you know he includes the Holyland in his Taxi/Coach tours of Belfast? Keep an eye out for him.... he takes tourists up to Queens, they all pile out and take photographs etc and he tells them the historical background to what was once a university. Then he takes them around the Holyland shows them the dirt and filth in QUB's campus/back yard and believe me tourists are not impressed by what they see. I actually went on one of these tours and a group of young Canadian students told me they had come over to see Queens especially but wouldnt considerate it now as a year out or what ever they call it if that was how QUB treated their students. You never hear much of him nowadays but he is still hammering QUB, the Landlords etc in his own way.
I'll write it all down for you in the next few days.
"The Gombeen Men",
An excellent choice of words, especially when one considers how much taxpayers money has been taken out of the Housing Budget(All of it) and doled out to these cunts.We need a new Civil Rights Movement to demand Decent Housing for All and the abolition of Landlordism. Don't hold your breath expecting the Provos to call for it. They're the biggest Landlords in Northern Ireland. Gombeen Sell-Out Cunts.
Does anyone else see that Macgyver from TV and Alan Murray are one an the same person?
It's not true. Macgyver has hair.
I promised to come back and tell you a bit about the Holyland and how it fell into the total decay which it denigrated into during the past ten years or so.
I was born in Damascus Street in 1941 and during my working life I lived and worked in other countries but when I returned I always came back to the Holyland/University area. I loved the place. During the period I was growing up, the area always played host to Q.U.B. students. In those days they lived in "digs" i.e.with people, families and often war widows who offered B and B - Monday to Friday which helped to supplement their income.
During the forties, fifties, sixties and up until the early nineties residents and students enjoyed a cordial and happy co-existence.
The area was always mixed socially, politically,religously,ethnically and thoughout the troubles no paramilitary organisation ever got a footing or control of the area.
During my time living there, students had INTEGRITY, they were respected and gave respect. I personally made friends with a great many of them and had manys a pint with guys and girls who taught me the rudiments of their own particular disiciplines.Many of my peer group were inspired by these students and both myself and others eventually went to University and obtained Degreees. Those students were inspirational and they were educationalists.
The builders labourer or binman could have had a university lecturer next door as a neighbour, think of Dr Steven Mills, Dr Dave Archard and the fantastic Father Theodore Crawley head of Scholastic Philosophy at Q.U.B. I personally learned a great deal from Father Crawley.
There was a great Bohemian atmosphere about the place and people felt priviledged to live next door to a University. Today people go into debt to get the hell as far away as they can from such institutions complete with its academic thugs.
What went wrong???
Back in the 1960's the old Unionist Government in Stormont had an abysmal record in housing especially with regard to the Roman Catholic community. There was a butcher who had premises in Bradbury Place, (his name escapes me) and he bought houses in Fitzroy Avenue, the block from number 72 - 108 and rented out rooms to entire families, six or eight families in one house with one bathroom, one kitchen and one extra outside toilet. The local churches, protestant and catholic pressurised the city council and there was a by-law passed forbidding these houses to be occupied by more than one family. It was actually written into the deeds of those houses at the time.
Meantime enter guys like Councillor Dixie Gilmour, Robin Granlese (P and R Properties) and they started to cater for single individuals and rented out bed sits etc. They were followed by the likes of Sonny Lenard, his brother John and sister Rose. They were into flat conversions. Their flats were hilarious, bathrooms and kitchens separated by trellis fencing, all walls/ceilings artexed, cuttings of lino used to replace slates. Can you imagine somebody out on the piss, full of wine, beer, etc. plus a feed of curry,then having a shite the next morning while someone else is eating their breakfast separated by a bit of trellis? He had three houses in Canterbury Street like this.
Even at this juncture things were not so bad in the Holyland Univesity area but then Queens Pl opened up their doors to anyone who could sit at a table and eat with a knife and fork............
I will tell you more later, sorry but a bit tired now. By the way I left the 'c' out of Queens Plc (above) as that place is only a Public Liability now.
Interesting last post. Would add a little bit on though. During the turmoil of 1969 with people from both sides of the sectarian divide being forced to move there was a great movement of people into the Holylands. Alot were families who had been displaced by the start of the troubles. The housing executive, Botanic housing etc bought a number of properties to add to their number already in the area.
Families then moved in to the Holylands and indeed it was a bohemian culture. There were no real problems with students, or rather academics I should say, as they were genuine academics back then.
I remember courteous relations with student neighbours as a child /youth. When asked who lived next door people could answer with the first names of the students living there, usually followed with where they were from and what they were studying.
So I'm wondering what went wrong? The students I remember would chat at the doorstep with you. The craic and banter was great. Residents kept an eye on students properties and students were intergrated to the extent that they didn't feel alone in Belfast. Their neighbours houses were a home from home.
Are we to assume that the students of bygone years had any less craic at university? NO, I doubt it. So where did it all go wrong? Here's a few of my explanations: other bloggers please add:
1) University admissions. Once only the chosen few, now anyone will do...enough said
2) Economic explanation: back in the early 90's and 80's people actually lived in communities. The harsh economic conditions produced social solidarity amongst the people. With the recent boom now it's a case of a more selfish and individualistic society
3) Cultural changes: whilst the period between the 80's and 90's wasn't that long ago drinking culture has changed significantly.
4) Decline in "Civil administration" by the paramilitaries...sad but true...back in the day in Belfast people watched their manners because they didn't know who they were talking to
5) Change in population demographic: back then there was actually an element of community here...familes with children were not uncommon.
Just a few points...anyone else got any ideas as to why the student population in the holylands has now turned nasty?
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