Wednesday, July 04, 2007

comments and feedback

My, I've got some angry feedback from "students". All of it's too obscene to publish here, much of it's threatening. I will, however address some of the issues they have raised.
First of all, I am not the resistance. I will neither condemn nor endorse them, but paint strippering cars and putting rocks through windows is their prerogative. The authorities have yet to convict any resident for resistance activity despite spending tens of thousands of pounds per month on a massive operation involving undercover, helicopters, unmarked cars,TSU's etc. I for one am watched 24/7. On one level this is very flattering. the police seem to think I am a one man resistance movement, appearing out of nowhere, striking and disappearing like a ninja. I wish it were true, I really do. Think of all the women I could have, the reward due to a hero.
Unfortunately it's not true, and to answer someone elses point, yes I am on medication. So are most of my neighbours. Living with depression and anxiety is hard work. There's a lot to be said for anti-depressants and, in moderation, valium is a wonderful drug. I don't advise people to take it like smarties. It is highly addictive and it's use must be monitored.
To another poster I reply of course I'm a grown man, so are the young bucks that run rampant through the Holyland. In other countries they would be expected to do military service and any of their juvenile self-centered shit would be answered with a drill sargeant's boot up their arse. Adults should be expected to behave like adults, not twelve year olds from The Lord Of The Flies. Priveleged arsewipes need need to learn that other people have rights and will hit back if you deprive them of the Human Right to Peace in their Own Home and to not be Tortured with Extreme Noise.
Finally, someone's complained about me telling them to shut up in the Heaney Library. Get it straight, it's a library, not your living room. I'm sick and tired of telling dickheads to keep the noise down and the looks of angry indignation I get from these fools when they're expected to behave like aduts rather than spoilt, pampered, priveleged fuckwads.
I feel better after that. Keep the abuse coming.


Anonymous said...

You seem to have a serious chip on your shoulder. You talk of other people's behaviour as being unacceptable. Do you think it is acceptable for a person to break people's windows? I am just curious as to your opinion on what kind of behaviour is acceptable. After all, running naked down the street may be illegal and antisocial, but most would consider criminal damage to be worse.

belfast samizdat said...

You seem to think that property is more important than people. Maybe it's because I'm from West Belfast and have certain vivid memories, but a rock through a window seems minor. When I was a child you wouldn't just get a brick. People would sledgehammer the pavement and throw slsbs of concrete through your window night after night. Working class people don't have to take shit, especially from priveleged arsewipes who abuse education.
The recent response to noisy neighbours in Turf Lodge (where I'm from) was to cut a guy up so he needed 200 stitches and bite his girlfriend's ear off. I condone none of the above, but view it as merely inevitable, like a force of nature(every action has an equal and opposite reaction). The backlash in the Holyland has been a long time coming, and it has only just begun.
No, I have no personal objection to public nudity, however it is, absurdly, a crime (Unfortunately we're not Sweden or a Northern Mediterranean country where public nudity is normal). The point I was making was that we do not have equality under the law. Middle-class scum can run through the streets naked, but a working classperson will be criminalised and labeled a sex offender for life if they do the same.

Anonymous said...

As Oliver Cromwell would have concluded his diaries, " the Lords work was well done this day." Why are you selective in you reproduction of comments ref your web??? cant take criisicism???

Anonymous said...

dont censor comments.
(i met you in agincourt ave at the weekend when you were posting flyers)